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No part of this site is intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any illness. Nothing on this site is to be construed as medical advice; the authors are not doctors. Please discuss your personal health, including any options or ideas you may read on the internet (on this site or others) with your personal, qualified health practitioner before making changes to your diet or adjusting/discontinuing any medication. We are not responsible for any adverse outcomes associated with using or misconstruing advice or information on this site.
TODA Heart Of Gold Formula is Approved and Licensed by Health Canada as Safe and Effective to Support Cardiovascular Health. It Has Also Been Recognized and Awarded by Panels of European Cardiovascular, Diabetes and Obesity Experts for its High Quality and Effectiveness.
Category Archives: TODA
Welcome to Toda Herbal UK!
We’re so excited to launch this website today. It’s been a journey just getting to this point. This first post will give you an insight into the journey, our vision and our plans. Firstly an introduction. ‘We’ are Martyn Sibley … Continue reading
Posted in TODA